Chapter After Chapter of God's Faithfulness
The church was organized as a Mission by seven charter members. The church was organized in an old school building which stood at the corner of Highway 29 and Immokalee Drive.

First Baptist Church Immokalee voted to purchase 8.3 acres of land on the corner of highway 29 and Lake Trafford Road.
The new church building was built on this land.
This is the site of the current Immokalee Campus.

First Baptist Church Immokalee began a new chapter in our history. Timothy and Jessica Pigg accepted the call to come and serve FBC. We also have developed new ministries in the church like a Young Adult Small Groups class and Reach Immokalee (#FORImmokalee).
First Baptist Church Immokalee, in partnership with the North American Mission Board (NAMB), planted a church in Baltimore, Maryland.
Pastor Timothy Pigg dreamed of planting a church with one simple goal: to know Christ and to make Him known. The vision behind Fellowship Church was to develop a church that would have authentic fellowship with God and each other through His Word, disciple-making, and evangelism. With the help of First Baptist Church Immokalee and the Florida Baptist Convention, that vision became a reality as a group of people gathered in a Martial Arts Fitness Academy in February of 2017. Fellowship Church is a campus of First Baptist Immokalee, which has a rich history dating back to 1917.

Shortly after Hurricane Irma (September 2017) First Baptist Church Immokalee and Fellowship Church began housing mission teams from across the United States wanting to do work in the community of Immokalee and Southwest Florida.

First Baptist Church Immokalee and Fellowship
Church launched a new sports ministry, Fellowship Sports Ministry. It first began with a few summer sports clinics and then added a Flag Football league in January 2018 and Soccer shortly after.

Due to growth at our Ave Maria Campus, a second service was added in March.

Fellowship Church launched a new, Christ-centered school called Fellowship Academy.

In February, Fellowship Church hosted our first annual Great Commission Weekend. GCW acts as a church-wide revival and training weekend focusing on the Great Commission with various speakers.