Dear Mom,
I hope this finds you well. I admit, this Covid-19 time has been challenging for me. Just when I feel I've gotten one thing down, something else changes. With those changes, brings worry. To make matters worse, the news is bleak. If I'm not intentionally watchful over the things and information I put into my mind, I find myself falling into the sinking sand of not looking and relying on Jesus for comfort and peace. Are you in this boat with me?
In the midst of these unprecedented times, there has been one thing that has shifted my perspective. I thought by sharing this with you today, it would offer you true peace and comfort. Honestly, it is a single word that has brought comfort. It's not because of the word itself, but because of Who the word describes. Are you ready? The word is immutable.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, immutable means "unchanging over time or unable to be changed." Doesn't this sound really good right now? It seems like right now information and statistics are ever changing, yet there is still a constant in control. This term sounds nice for circumstances and a constant, peaceful life. However, it is even better when we understood that it is Jesus Himself that is the true definition of immutable. Hebrews 13:8 declares, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." I don't know about you, but this gives us comfort and peace. He is in control, always.
Maybe you are like me and you gloss over this verse in Hebrews 13:8. However, I want you to go back and read it again and really think about it for a moment. When your bank account is low, Jesus Christ is the same. When your child is having behavioral difficulties, Jesus Christ is the same. When friendships change or dissipate, Jesus Christ is the same. When your marriage is on the rocks, Jesus Christ is the same. When all of your circumstances are so hectic it feels as if the ground is giving way, Jesus Christ is the same. He is the same "yesterday and today and forever."
One of the most precious truths we can remind ourselves is that no matter what does change in our everyday life, Jesus never does. Say it with me: no matter what changes, JESUS never does. To Him be all blessing and honor and glory, forever. Dear sister, no matter what occurs He is always there. He is constant, He does not move. He is unshakable. May your heart be refreshed in that truth and grace.
Needing Jesus always,
Fellow believer and mom.
We are so excited to offer "Dear Mom" as a monthly blog series through Fellowship Church Resources. This series is written by one our pastors' wives, Jessica Yzaguirre. Jessica and her husband, Armando, live in Immokalee, FL and have three children.