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Give Me a Break

I am my biggest critic. No really I am. Ok maybe I’m not, but I feel like I am. I feel like every decision is life or death. I believe every goal must be obtained and that makes every failure bigger than it needs to be. So, when I sin, which is often, I feel like there is nothing I can do to make up for it. The truth is I cannot. There is nothing I can do to make up for my sin. But there is a part of me that hears and wants to believe I need to “give myself some grace.” 

The problem is, if I give myself grace when I mess up, what does that even mean? If I am being honest, it means I do not have to make a big deal about my sin. I do not have to feel that bad. I can believe it's all okay. This is a lie. I know that sounds harsh and I am not trying to be, but let me explain why I use such strong language. 

As a believer in Jesus, I believe that I was an enemy of God when Jesus came and lived the perfect life I could never live, died the death I deserve, and was raised on the third day. When He paid the penalty of my sin it was for my past, present, and future sins. 

Romans 5:17 states, “For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.”

My sin today is why my Savior chose to die. My sin put Him on the cross. So, should I give myself a break? Should I lessen the weight my sin causes me to feel? If I do, it makes it easier to sin the next time. It makes me feel like what I do wrong is just a small offense. 

What I actually need in moments of sin is God’s grace. Grace is getting something I do not deserve. Godly sorrow over sin is a good thing. If I know it when I realize I have sinned against my loving God, then I am on the road to repentance. It is in that moment when I am ready to receive the only grace I need and the only grace that will make me want to fight my sin tomorrow. In Christ I have found the riches of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:7). In Christ, we have the grace that will make us sufficient to do all the good works God has laid before us.

1 Corinthians 9:8 states, “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

The Word teaches me that I should hate my sin, not cut myself slack for it. The Word teaches me that God’s grace is sufficient for my mess ups so I do not have to be. I don’t need to give myself grace because I can’t. I can only give myself a pass, but Jesus can give you grace and has. Look to Him.

This article was written by Pastor Armando Yzaguirre Jr.


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